Legendary Magnetic Drum Delay
beyond the original hardware.

ECHOSON: Legendary Magnetic Drum Delay
ECHOSON is the Overloud recreation of a legendary Italian magnetic drum delay unit. Its unique tone defined the Pink Floyd sound in the '70s.
- NEW! Resizable graphic interface
- Super-realistic recreation of the lush ethereal original tone
- Independent control of each playback head
- Stereo operating mode with separate controls for the left and right
- Dual-mono, Stereo and Reverb modes allow to create wider soundscapes
- Adjustable disc speed to change delay time, with BPM sync option
- Built-in parametric equalizer
- User adjustable wow/flutter and electrical noise
- Multilevel undo-redo
- A/B Comparison
- Lots of presets designed in real mixing sessions
- Scribble Strips: take notes anywhere on the plugin panel
ECHOSON extends the features of the original hardware and combines the flexibility of the digital world to the character of the analog processing.

You can process left and right with different settings (Mono), send delays to the opposite channel (Cross) and combine the two channels (Verb)

You can switch on/off the playback heads individually and decide which ones are fed back to the magnetic drum

While the original hardware has a fixed delay time of 310mSec, the Echoson allows you to choose a different tempo and even sync it to the song's BPM.

A unique and flexible soundchain
While a tape echo's input sound is recorded to tape, on a ECHOSON it is recorded onto a circular spinning disc which has 4 playback heads positioned around it.
You can purchase a bundle of 3 or 5 plug-ins and unlock the Gem plug-ins of your choice.